Jauniešu koru atbalsta fonds The Youth Choir Foundation

Jauniešu koru atbalsta fonds

Kalsnavas 12, Rīga LV 1035

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Jauniešu koru fonds (turpmāk YCF) dibināts 2003.g. 19.janvārī ar galveno mērķi attīstīt bērnu un jauniešu izglītītojošās un radošās aktivitātes, īpaši saistītas ar koru un vokālo darbību nacionālā un starptautiskā mērogā.
YCF veicina pilsoniskās sabiedrības izpratni, kas ir jaunatnes lomas pamatā pilsoniskajā sabiedrībā; augošo jauniešu un bērnu spēju dziedāt un mācīties, celt brīvā laika kvalitāti un dot ieguldījumu jauniešu attīstībā.

The Youth Choir Foundation (further YCF) was established in January 18th of 2003 with the main aim to develop children and youth educational and creative events, especially choral and vocal activities in national and international scale.

YCF is promoting awareness of the civil society, underlying the role of the youth in civil society; rising youth and children ability to sing and learn, to raise their free time quality and contribute into the young persons development. YCF activities help’s improve and grow new musicians. Each year with assistance of YCF it is organized around 20 activities at national and international scale – vocal master classes, camps, singing competitions and concerts.

In order to present innovative piece of music in international Choirs Festivals YCF is cooperating with composers.

The following main activities has been conducted in the last 5 years are:

Year 2022

  • Organizing Womens’ choir “Riga” participation in the international cultural festival in Loutraki – Greece
  • Organizing Girls’ choir “Riga” participation in the international youth chamber choir festival in Usedom – Germany
  • Organize creative activities for singers of the girls’ choir “Riga” during the summer camp
  • Organize the choir meeting with composers – Laura Jēkabsone, Anna Veismane and actress – Agnese Budovska
  • Cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Riga to organize Lucia concert Riga Chamber Choir and Girls’ choir “Riga” in Riga Cathedral

Year 2021

  • Support for the participation of the Riga Chamber Choir in the international competition of women’s choirs and vocal ensembles “Vox Maris”
  • Cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Riga to organize Lucia concert with Riga Chamber Choir in St. Peter’s Church
  • Support in the preparation of video recordings of the girls’ choir “Rīga”
  • Organize creative activities for singers of the girls’ choir “Rīga” during the summer camp
  • Organize the choir meeting with poet Inese Zandere

Year 2020

  • Cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Riga to organize Lucia concert with Riga Chamber Choir in St. Peter’s Church
  • Support in the preparation of video recordings of the girls’ choir “Rīga”
  • Organizing creative activities for singers of the girls’ choir “Rīga” and Riga Technical collage students during the summer camp
  • Organize event – Virtual masterclass for youth singing in virtual choir
  • Organize the girls’ choir meeting with composer Eriks Esenvalds

Year 2019

  • Cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Riga to organize Lucia concerts with Riga Chamber Choir and Girls’ choir “Riga” in Riga Cathedral, St. Gertrude church, St. John church in Ikskile
  • Organize event for youth about creative holiday in Riga.
  • Organize youth singer meeting with composer Eriks Esenvalds.
  • Organize masterclass for body percussion for youth choir singers

Year 2018

  • Organizing creative activities for Youth in the Ligatne Nature park
  • Cooperation with the Swedish Embassy in Riga to organize Lucia concert with Riga Chamber Choir and Girls’ choir “Riga” in Riga Cathedral

YCF in the current Longlife learning Leonardo partnershipproject will contribute with their practical experience and examples of training and learning vocal practices; will present methods and skills that is used in the Latvian choir culture. YCF is looking forward of collecting and sharing different cross-border practices, to develop the new methods and to gain experiences of different EU members states.

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